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Kellianne hamburg


We Value Your Feedback.

Without it we would lose an opportunity to grow.
If you or someone you know taking part in LNCS programs have any concerns they feel aren't being adequately addressed by LNCS staff members, or relate to staff performance, please contact LNCS director directly at [email protected]. Grievances can also be filed through our anonymous feedback form.

lick the button below to fill out an anonymous feedback form. 

Once you've completed the initial Anonymous Feedback form, we will do our best do address your concerns, anonymously, unless otherwise noted in your response. If you still feel unsatisfied or would like to follow-up for any reason, we have an additional Feedback Follow-Up form below, to maintain accountability to your concerns. Anonymity is still respected. 
click the button below to fill out a feedback follow-up.

Anonymous Feedback Form
Feedback Follow-Up Form

we're glad you care enough to share.

Thank you!